Current projects


A world-class reading companion that speaks words, sentences or even long articles — in a music player like interface. Integrated on production by an Italian news website.

{text-to-speech} {PWA} {next.js} {Web APIs}

Loading live web app..


Simple Google Meet transcripts. Private and open source. 650+ users and growing!

{chrome-extension} {vanilla-js}


Real-time Google Meet status on Slack, just like Slack huddles. 400+ users world wide and growing 🚀

{chrome-extension} {slack-app} {express.js}


⚡ Control your Slack from any app window with keyboard shortcuts ⚡ Set up custom keyboard shortcuts for various Slack actions

{electron.js} {cross-platform-desktop-app} {slack-app}

See more projects on Github ↗

Hand built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Contains Easter eggs.